


Il marche dans l’arène, ébloui par le sable cuit de l’Andalousie. Tout autour de lui, à l’abri des gradins, la foule l’observe. Mais il est seul et le silence est écrasant. Dans un instant, la mort va s’inviter, furieuse. Il faudra la repousser dans un ballet majestueux, triompher de l’animal possédé, ou la suivre. L’envie impérieuse de vivre le saisit. Il va se battre, remporter une victoire dérisoire mais poétique, raconter l’histoire de l’homme contre son destin qui toujours triomphe. Ce sera beau.

In the arena he walks, blinded by the shining sand of Andalusia. All around him, hidden by the stands, the crowd watches. But he is alone and the silence is oppressing. In a few moments, furious death will invite itself in. The possessed animal should be vanquished in a majestic dance, or it will lure us in. His survival instincts seize him. He will fight, and he will vanquish. However, it would be a paltry victory but a poetic one. The story of the man that always triumphs against his destiny will be told. It will be magnificent.

Mixed techniques on wood
120 x 84 x 5 cm approx.
Including delivery charges

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