


On s'aime, on s'amuse. Pascal disait que toute activité consiste à oublier l'humaine et misérable condition de l’homme et que plus le divertissement est sérieux, plus il est qualitatif. La vie est un drame puisqu'il faut bien vieillir, et mourir in fine. Mais on s'enflamme et on rit avant de tirer révérence à nos belles histoires.

We love each other. We have fun. Pascal used to say that activities have to let us forget every humane and miserable aspects of the human condition. The more serious the entertainment the more qualitative it is. Life is a tragedy after all, we all have to grow old and die. Before that we must enjoy it and laugh before bowing out to all memories made.

Mixed techniques on wood
140 x 140 x 5 cm approx.
Berlin, Germany
Including delivery charges

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